domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010

Introductions: Welcome To Utopic Journeys

Hello Fellows!

I'm the Traveler and I decided do make this blog so that I could share my journeys with other people.
I travel when I read, basically, and there, in my books, I find my Utopic places and atmospheres. And I feel happy and perfectly content. As though nothing is able to reach me there. And I also feel safe.

New York At Christmas - Fantasy Picture
I might sometimes talk about some amazing movies I like or places I visited or wish to visit. This blog's purpose is to share all this things that give me pleasure and find out if there are more people with my likes, which I believe there is. I would also appreciate suggestions, if you'd like. :) 
It's also for my personal and enjoyable use, so that I can "summarize" my favorite subjects.

Hope you enjoy my "journeys",

P.s. - Don't be alarmed, but in every post I'll try to put a picture which I like or has something to do with the matter or with me! ;b